VA Lake City

Selected Projects

·      Replace Emergency Generators, Bldg. 62 – Replace 150 KW emergency generator, service entrance and transfer switch.

·      Replace Boiler De-aerator – Replace a 30,000 pound per hour low-pressure steam de-aerator.

·      Refurbish Cooling Tower – Structural repair and fill replacement of four 450 ton cooling towers.

·      OR AHU Replacement – Replace a 12,000 CFM AHU.  Phased plan allowed a weekend interruption to surgery suite.

·      Expand Dock/Grease Trap – Expanded loading dock by two spaces to alleviate potential cross contamination of clean and dirty material.  Included the installation of a new grease interceptor.

·      Replace Sanitary Sewer – Replaced a portion of the sanitary sewer system in building 64 and repairs to the site sewer.

·      Replace Fuel Tanks - Replaced 3 underground fuel tanks with new above ground concrete tanks and enclosures.

·      Replace Hot Water Generators – Replaced 6 steam fired hot water generators in buildings 38, 62 and 64.

·      Replace Roofs Buildings 37, 38, 62 and 74.

·      Replace HVAC, Building 74 – Replaced 3 AHU and electrical service for the medical center Laundry.

·      TB Renovations for Bronchoscopy – Renovate a bronchoscopy suite to comply with CDC requirements for TB

·      Upgrade HVAC EMS – Replace/upgrade Energy Management System to be Y2K compliant.

·      Telephone System Site Prep – new raceway and equipment rooms for telephone and data system replacement.

·      Renovate ICU – 4 North – Renovation of existing ICU into private Patient rooms.

·      Renovate Bulk Oxygen Storage – Replace existing bulk oxygen storage and delivery system.

·      Elevator Controller Upgrade – Replacement of 9 relay type elevator controllers with microprocessor bases controllers.

·      Electrical System Study and As-Builts – Complete as-builts of the entire electrical system, fault and coordination studies.

·      Electrical Distribution System Renovation – Replacement of enclosed isle 5 KV main switchgear with new building and indoor equipment.  Included new ductbanks, cable and phases construction for minimal service interruptions.

·      Building 62 IAQ – Study of ventilation and air distribution with maintenance and capital improvement recommendations.

·      Various AHU replacement projects for 8 AHU’s  from 6,000 to 15,000 CFM– Buildings, 64, 64-2, 74 and 82.

·      Patient Lift – Structural analysis for a patient handling system for Building 82.

·      Replace Automatic Doors – Replace 15 automatic doors throughout the Medical Center.

·      Replace High Pressure Steam Piping – Replace 1500 feet of HPS and condensate piping and insulation.

·      Facility As-Builts – Preparation of As-built drawings and space tabulations for the entire Medical Center.

VA Medical Center

Lake City, Florida