VA Gainesville
VA Bay Pines

Selected Projects               

·        Fire Sprinkler Feasibility Study – As-built drawings of the fire sprinkler system and conceptual design and estimated cost of construction to completely sprinkler the building.

·          Expand Food Court –Renovation and expansion of the medical center canteen.

·          Retail Store Relocation – Relocation and expansion of the medical center retail store.

·          Replace Piping, Fittings & Accessories –Replacement of approximately 1200 valves throughout the center.

·          Replace Sewer Lines – Replacement of the horizontal cast iron sewer piping in the hospital.

·          Install Incinerator Wet Scrubber – Mechanical and electrical design for a new incinerator wet scrubber.

·          Animal Research Bldg. – Storage addition to the research building.  Included new mechanical and electrical systems as well as improvement to the site storm water system.

·          Renovate Old Medical Clinic –Station level Specifications for minor repair and renovation projects.

·          Angio Room Site Prep – Site preparation project for a radiographic special procedures room.

·          3B/GI Clinic – Renovation of a wing for a new 5 procedure room GI clinic including all support spaces.

·          AHU Filtration – Study of existing AHU and filtration with respect to security, chemical and bio-hazard risks.

·          Replace Loading Dock –Design for the replacement of a deteriorated elevated loading dock structure.

·          Replace Floor/Tile Finishes, Phases III and IV – ACM abatement and replacement of 60,000 SF of floor tile and room finishes.

·          2nd Floor Medical Gas Renovation – Medical gasses, nurse call and other systems to convert a psychiatric floor to a swing space for medical/surgical patients.

·          Trailer T-10 Offices4,000 SF trailer including improvements to the site storm water drainage systems.

·          Preliminary Design for Mass Causality Decontamination Facility.

·          Preliminary design for 60,000 SF Outpatient clinic.

·          Replace AC Units 9 and 10.  Replacement of two pharmacy air handling units.

·          Bldg 12, NHCU Medical Gas Renovation – Medical gasses, nurse call and data systems for 60 bed wing.

·          Replace Side Walks – Replacement of 1,000 feet of side walks, ramps and stairs.

·          Trailer T-2 Offices – Replacement of 2,500 square foot trailer.

·          CT-Scan – Installation of CT Scan in the Daytona Outpatient Clinic.

·          Commerce Building – 10,000 SF Tenant design for outpatient facility.

Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center
Gainesville, Florida